Boosting the Performance of Quantum Annealers using Machine Learning

An article "Boosting the Performance of Quantum Annealers using Machine Learning" was published in the journal Quantum Machine Intelligence, the authors of which come from the Department of Knowledge Technologies, Department of Complex Matter, Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School, Nanocenter and the Faculty of ...

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Advanced Quantum Devices Lab

Advanced Quantum Devices Laboratory - AQDL is a new nanofabrication, test and measurement facility dedicated to serving a wide community of academia and industry. The facility includes an anaerobic environment for nanolithography and device fabrication, exfoliated monolayer crystal positioning, patterning and transport ...

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From Lab to Market

Nanocenter was recognized as one of the ATI Technology Centres which help SMEs cross the 'Valley of Death' and go from lab to market to develop and produce new ATI-based products to help companies reduce the time-to-market for new innovation ideas. ATI Technology Centres help SMEs cross the 'Valley of Death' and go ...

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War is not acceptable solution to any problem. We express our sympathy and solidarity with all in distress because of the situation in Ukraine. Humanitarian initiative How to help Ukrainians Slovenia's assistance to the citizens of Ukraine INICIATIVA #ScienceForUkraine

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